- 她很高吗? Is she a tall girl?
- 她很高。她长着红头发,蓝眼睛。 HOWARD: She's very tall. She has red hair and blue eyes.
- 那利息不是很高吗?你何不下个月再还我好了? B: Isn't the interest high Why don't you just pay me next month?
- 事实证明她很能干,效率也很高。 She proved to be very able and efficient.
- 癌症的死亡率很高吗? Does cancer have a high mortality?
- 她很强调行为端正。 She lay great stress on proper behavior.
- 大学教育的费用怎样?很高吗? What about the cost of university education? Is it very high?
- 哇,你不认为她很妩媚动人吗? Wow, don't you think she's foxy?
- 她比我高,可我只有五英尺,不能说明她很高。 She's taller than me,but as I'm only five foot,that's not saying much.
- “你难道不认为她很美吗? "Dost thou not think her beautiful?
- 很高吗? Is it very high?
- 她很漂亮,你不觉得吗? She is pretty, don't you think?
- 她是个效率很高的编辑 She is an editorial powerhouse.
- 感冒折磨她很久了,不是吗? A long time, is it not, for a cold to hang upon her?
- 她酬金很高。 She is handsomely paid.
- 你对蒙特卡洛抱着很高的期望吗? Do you have high hopes for Monte Carlo?
- 他体格强壮,比她稍为高一点儿,好象他讲的一些事情都使她很感兴趣。 He was wiry, a little taller than herself, and seemed to talk of things that interested her.
- 哦,真的吗?我八月份带出去的那个少妇如何?她很性感! Oh really ? What about chick I took out in August ? She was hot !
- 她的音乐天赋很高。 She is endowed with great musical ability.
- 看见我是一只苍蝇吗,我很自豪我可以飞得很高 See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high