- 她很可爱呀,不是吗?你有没有看过她的刺青? She is, isn't she? Have you seen her tattoo?
- 很可爱的小女生,不是吗?哈哈。她可是帮了我很多忙哦。尤其是收集数据的时候。 Lovely girl, Right? Haha, she helped me with lots of things, especially for data collection.
- 不是 (n) blame or fault
- 感冒折磨她很久了,不是吗? A long time, is it not, for a cold to hang upon her?
- 她多可爱呀! Isn't she a poppet?
- 她很柔软也很可爱。 She's soft and cute.
- 她女儿多麽可爱呀! What a love her daughter is!
- 梅勒妮:可不是吗。我今儿难受死了。 Melanie: Was I what. I feel like shit warmed up today.
- 苏茜:是我的表妹莫莉,她很可爱。 Sue: That is my cousin Molly, she is a babe.
- 刚刚结婚一定是非常美妙的,不是吗? It must be wonderful being just married,mustn't it?
- 她的微笑多可爱呀! What a lovely smile she has!
- 这趟旅行对你来说还算不错,不是吗? It's been a good trip for you,hasn't it?
- 这套婴儿装不是很可爱吗? Isn't this baby outfit adorable?
- 为什么去讨好一个女人就是去爱她很多,而不是去了解她的全部。 How Come To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot. And not try to understand her at all.
- 是呀,这火车又宽敞又舒适,不是吗? Yes,the train is spacious and comfortable,is not it ?
- 黄昏时候,人们经常站自己的前院或走廊上,看到邦妮这样一个满头鬈发和眼睛蓝得发亮的小姑娘,都感到她很可爱,总是忍不住要跟她说说话。 People were always in their front yards or on their porches at sunset and, as Bonnie was such a friendly, pretty child, with her tangle of black curls and her bright blue eyes, few could resist talking to her.
- 那才是英式早餐的正宗食品。不是吗? That's the proper thing for a real English breakfast,isn't it?
- 我觉得他怎么样?你比我更了解他呀,不是吗? What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don't you?
- 她朝我走来的时候并不显得怎么高,不过很可爱。 She did not seem tall walking toward me but she looked very lovely.
- 这是经纪人应该承担的责任,不是吗? It's part of the service on the broker's side, isn't it?