- 她喜欢哪一种? Which dose she like?
- 她喜欢哪一种呢? What would she like, please?
- 她拿不定主意她更喜欢哪一种颜色,红的还是蓝的。 She can't decide which colour she likes better ,red or blue .
- 我们提供乌龙茶、绿茶、红茶、茉莉花茶和菊花茶。您喜欢哪一种? We serve Wu Long tea,green tea,black tea,jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea. Which one do you prefer?
- 她喜欢哪种电影? What kind of movies does she like?
- 我们有大米粥、八珍粥、小米粥、皮蛋粥。您喜欢哪一种,小姐? We serve rice porridge, mixed meat congee, millet congee and preserved eggs congee here. Which one do you like, madam?
- 问道她喜欢哪位韩星时,林毫不犹豫点名元斌和安在旭,还有韩在石。 Asked which Korean actors she liked, Lin did not hesitate to name Won Bin and Ahn Jae-wook - or Han Jae-suk.
- 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗? Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat?
- 我想给我女儿买一条床单。我希望能挑一种她喜欢的。 I want to buy a sheet for my daughter. I hope I can find a pattern she loves.
- 好主意。我们或者吃汉堡包或者吃中餐。你更喜欢哪一样? Great idea. Let's have either hamburgers or Chinese food. What's your preference?
- 最喜欢哪一集天哪,这是最难回答的问题之一,如果非要我挑一集的话,我只有选! Ben.Favourite EpisodeDear Lord, that's a tough one. If I had to pick one and only one I'd pick The Man behind the Curtain, but it's not really a fair question!
- 她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。 She liked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences.
- 写信告诉我,你最喜欢哪一篇,最不喜欢哪一篇。 Write and tell me which you like best and which worst.
- 她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。 She liked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences.
- 你曾修读哪些课程和你最喜欢哪一科? Tell me the courses you have completed in school and what is your favorite subject?
- 你最喜欢吃哪一种水果? What kind of fruit do you like best?
- 你在学校里学的课程中最喜欢哪一门? Which of the subjects that you study at school is your favourite?
- 玛丽正在试用不同的打字机,看哪一种对她最合适。 Mary is experimenting with different typewriters to see which one suits her best.
- 你更喜欢哪一样,徒步旅行还是漂流? Which do you prefer, hiking or rafting?
- 你喜欢哪一类片子,国产的还是国外的? Which do you prefer,Chinese or foreign movies?