- 她为什么总是走极端?要么高兴得不得了,要么陷入绝望悲伤,从来没有中间状态。 Why does she always go to extremes? She's either glorously happy or hopelessly sad,never in between.
- 她为什么总是反胃呢? Why does she keep regurgitating?
- 他总是走极端。 He always goes to extremes.
- 我不明白她为什么总是干扰那件事,这和她一点关系都没有。 I don't know why she keeps interfering,it has nothingto do with her.
- 她为什么总是郁郁不乐的? Why is she always disconsolate?
- 她为什么总是逃脱责任? Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility ?
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 在课堂上,她是个认真听讲的人。 She is a good listener at class.
- 你为什么总是找我麻烦? Why are you always pecking at me?
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。 Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 她为什么做那件事仍是一个谜。 The reason why she did it is still a mystery.
- 既然直发更适合你的脸型,你为什么总是将头发做成大波浪? Why do you always set your hair in large waves,when it suits your face to wear it in a straight style?
- 我知道她为什么非常生气. I know the reason why shi is so angry.
- 那为什么总是不听我的话? Then why don't you listen to me?
- 你认为她为什么得在午饭时间买东西? Why do you think she has to do her shopping in the lunch - hour.
- 她总是平静而安详。 She was always calm and serene.
- 他们为什么总是把球回传给守门员? Why do they keep passing back to the goalie?
- 人们总是说她的眼睛炯炯有神。 People always mention the sparkle of her eyes.
- 她为什么把我当作傻子看待? Why does she take me for a fool?
- 你为什么总是找我去干讨厌的差事? Why do you always pick on me to do the unpleasant jobs?