- 大海的水能喝吗? Can We Drink the Seawater?
- 这儿的水能喝吗? Is the water here safe to drink?
- 请问房间里水龙头晨的水可以喝吗? Could you tell me if the tap water in my room is safe to drink?
- 一六一大海的水是不能温热的孤傲的心是不能软化的。 Water at the sea Can not be heated; Heart of aloof and proud Can not be softened.
- 我要能造出莎士比亚和但丁这样的大海的河流,要不会在以往的空泛中干涸的河流、大海。 I want rivers that make oceans such as Shakespeare and Dante, rivers which do not dry up in the void of the past.
- 我能向你讨杯咖啡喝吗? Can I cop a cup of coffee from you?
- 当我在海岸边的那座城市走下火车时,我闻到了大海的气息。 When I got off the train at the city on the coast, I could smell the sea.
- 在广泛研究的过程中发现,储存在地下的水能很好地保持着它的温度。 In the course of extensive researches,it was found that water stored underground kept its temperature well.
- 可以喝吗? Is it all right to drink?
- 那个时候最向往的就是海边,好像可以有个时间可以聆听一下大海的声音。 At that time, the most recommendable is the seaside, there is a time to listen to the voice of the sea.
- "快划吧," 阿贝说道。两个男孩子于是将桨深深地划进棕褐色的水里。 "Let's get a hump on, " Abe said; and the two boys dipped their oars deeper into the brown water.
- 你们的自来水可以喝吗? Is your tap water fit to drink?
- 水能把一片不毛之地变成一座花园。 Water can transform a desert into a garden.
- 然后大家就要马上喝吗? Then people drink it right away?
- 你能有一间面向大海的房间。 You can have a room facing the ocean.
- 吊桶随着长长的链条升出井口,所盛的水被倾入灌溉渠内。 Buckets rise on a long chain from the well, and the water is tipped out into irrigation channels.
- 喜欢喝咖啡吗?考试前狂喝吗? Do you like coffee? Do you drink crazily before exams?
- 能看到大海的房子 A House with a View of the Sea
- 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。 The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond.
- 我的天啊,艾德里安,除夕夜你只能喝一杯香槟啊,别那么扫兴啊。 God, Adrian, you can manage just one glass of champagne on New Year's Eve, don't be such a party-pooper.