- 你独自一人在教室里多长时间了?
How long were you by yourself in the classroom?
- 做这项工作需要多长时间?
How long will the job take?
- 安装电话机与总机接通要多长时间?
How long will the connection of the telephone take? ie How long will it take to install a telephone and connect it to the exchange?
- 自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了?
How long is it since we visited your mother?
- 我回忆不起来多长时间了。
I can't recall how long it has been.
- 你能瞪着看多长时间不眨眼?
How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?
- 到那儿要多长时间?
How long will it take me to get there?