- 多数人的意见怎么样? What s the majority s view?
- 我们决定尊重多数人的意见。 We decided to give in to the wish of the majority.
- 以多数人的意见来决定才公平。 A majority decision is fair.
- 请问您的意见怎么样? May I venture to ask your opinion?
- 我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要,而不是为了少数人的需要。 Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.
- 你认为我们立即开始第二次实验的意见怎么样? What do you think of the idea that we should begin the second experiment at once?
- 少数几个右翼分子竟然对党的政策产生如此的影响,这是少数人控制多数人的一个实例。 That the few right-wingers should exert such an influence on the policy of the party is a case of the tail wagging the dog.
- 多数人的脸并不对称. Most people's faces are asymmetrical.
- 我们应该遵从多数人的意见。 We should defer to the majority.
- 多数人不暇思索便认定,文学涵盖所有印在书中的内容。 Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everything that is printed in a book.
- 他的意见与大多数人的意见有分歧。 His opinions were not in unison with those of the majority of men.
- 在凯恩斯写这些给哈耶克的时候多数人同意凯恩斯的观点。 Most people would have agreed with Keynes when he wrote this to Hayek.
- 他集中了每个人的意见。 He meshed everyone's views.
- 他的意见代表大多数人的意见。 His opinion represents that of the majority.
- 我在这一活动中得到邻里多数人的支持. I've enlisted the co-operation of most of my neighbours in my campaign.
- 为多数人所接受的意见; 群众意见 conventional wisdom
- 他是如此的迷惑以致他问了许多人的意见。 He is so perplexed that he asks many persons for advice.
- 我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要。 Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.
- 没多久就显出两人的意见截然不同。 It soon became evident that they held differing theories.
- 谓有正义,就能得到多数人的支持和帮助 A just cause enjoys abundant support