- 多少美元一个晚上? How much is it per night in US dollars?
- 那总统套房是多少美元一个晚上呢? And how much is a presidential suite for a night?
- 75美元一个晚上。 Seventy-five dollars a night.
- 查找下一个 find next
- 美元 U.S. dollar (US)
- 你花了多少美元? How many dollars did you spend?
- 天际酒店空房也有几间,70美元一个晚上。 er and there are some vacancies at the Skyline Hotel which is %2470 a night.
- 每一个 every last
- 你总共有多少美元? How much money/currency have you get altogether in US dollar?
- 没有一个 neither one
- 另外一个 other
- 您打算换多少美元? How many dollars do you want to change?
- 哪一个 which
- 前一个 previous
- 请列出行李内容物和价值多少美元。 Please make a list of the contents of your baggage and their monetary value in dollars.
- 大学一年级的时候,他晚上在一个实验室里当洗瓶子的工人。 During his first year in college, he work as a bottle washer in a laboratory in the evening.
- 英镑相当于多少美元? What's the equivalent of fifty pounds in dollars?
- 我想很快就走,但在这种情况下,我决定再呆一个晚上。 I wanted to leave quickly but under the circumstances I decided to stay another night.
- 多少美元能兑换1万日元? How many dollars for ten thousand yen?
- 你的手表比他的手表贵多少美元? How many dollars are your watch more expensive than his ?