- 基于Spring框架的AOP编程 AOP Based on Spring Framework
- 存取Spring框架和Tomcat 5.0,执行范例需要它们。 To access the Spring framework and Tomcat 5.0, which you will need to run the examples.
- AOP编程 Agent-Oriented program
- lib档案夹包含应用程式需要的Spring框架、与Spring相关的MVC库以及JSTL标记库和jar档。 The lib folder contains the Spring framework, Spring-related MVC libraries, and JSTL tag libraries and jar files required by the application.
- 使用带标记的AOP至少实现了某种模块化,并使您具有获得某种程度的修改实现的自由度。 Using AOP even with tagging at least achieves a level of modularization and gives you some freedom to modify the implementation.
- 在AOP编程中使用元数据将类与方面之间的耦合限制为附加在程序元素上的元数据。 Using metadata in AOP programming limits the coupling between classes and aspects only to the metadata attached to the program elements.
- 基于IT-Kid知识库的AOP框架系统的实现与应用 Implementation and Application of AOP Framework Based on IT-Kid Repository
- 下载AspectJ或Spring框架,执行范例需要它们。 To download AspectJ or the Spring framework, which you will need to follow the examples.
- (门窗的)过梁构成门窗上部框架的平行梁木,并支持上面的构架 The horizontal beam that forms the upper member of a window or door frame and supports the structure above it.
- 基于.net的AOP构架的设计与实现 The Design and Implementation of an AOP Framework Based on .net
- 在这里可以看到,语法是AOP实现之间的主要区别因素,而核心的AOP机制通常非常相似。 As you ll learn here, syntax is one of the primary differentiating factors between the AOP implementations, whereas the core AOP mechanisms are often very similar.
- 框架的首席开发人员,这个框架围绕Java类处理技术构建。 Framework built around the Java classworking technology. Please take a moment to complete this form to help us better serve you.
- 基于动态消息捕获模型的AOP实现技术研究 Implementation of AOP based on dynamic message interception model
- 不管您最后采用什么样的AOP工具,都鼓励您加入它的用户讨论列表。 Whatever AOP tool you end up using, I encourage you to sign up for its user discussion list.
- 顾名思义,通用连接框架的设计目的是处理所有连接种类。 As the name suggests, the Generic Connection Framework is designed to handle all kinds of connections.
- 用于支持契约的AOP代码生成器的研究与实现 Research and Implementation of an AOP Code Generator for Supporting Contracts
- 这些用户界面元素与基于Windows的应用程序的编程有关。 These user interface elements have to do with programming Windows-based applications.
- 四框架的 four gimbaled
- 无框架的 unframed
- 要学习更多Java平台上的AOP的基础知识? Want to learn more about the basics of AOP on the Java platform?