- 域特定IP协议 RSIP
- 此应用程序域特定的策略适用于该应用程序域中的所有执行线程。 This application domain-specific policy applies to all execution threads in that application domain.
- 服务器配置为侦听群集环境中的特定IP地址 Server configured to listen on a specific IP address in a cluster environment
- 协议 pact
- 默认情况下,垃圾回收是非并发的,并且仅把基类库加载到非域特定的区域。 By default, garbage collection is non-concurrent, and only the base class library is loaded into the domain-neutral area.
- 如果要查看特定IP阻止列表条目,请使用Identity参数指定配置数字。 If you want to view a specific IP Block list entry, use the Identity parameter to specify the configuration number.
- 协议的 consultative
- 新的功能分成过程功能和域特定功能,过程功能留驻在架构中,而域特定功能与域内容一起嵌入在组件库中。 New functionality is divided into process functionality,which resides in the frameworks,and domain specific functionality (along with domain content),which is embodied in component libraries.
- 达成协议 make terms
- 特定 particular
- 特定的 specifically
- IP协议 IP Protocol
- TCP/IP协议栈 TCP/IP protocol stack
- IP协议栈 IP protocol stack
- tcp/IP协议组 TCP/IP protocol suite
- TCP/IP协议 TCP/IP protocol
- TCP/IP协议 TCP/IP protocol
- 双IP协议栈 dual IP protocol stacks
- 移动IP协议 mobile IP protocol