- 块H-矩阵的简捷判据 Some simple and convenient criteria for block H-matrices
- 块H矩阵 block H-matrix
- 块H-矩阵 block H-matrices
- 块H-矩阵的刻画 Equivalent Conditions of Block H-Matrices
- 判 to judge
- α-判据 α-criterion
- 关于基解矩阵一个定理的简捷证明 Proving a Theory on Basic Solution Matrix
- 报警判据 alarm principle
- 论利用相似矩阵的性质来确定矩阵中未知元素方法的完整性 On the Integrality of the Methods by Using the Properties of Similar Matrices to Confirm Unknown Elements
- 辅助判据 auxiliary criterion
- 您可以使用角部单元显示矩阵的标签,也可以让其保留为空。 You can use the corner cell to display a label for the matrix, or you can leave it empty.
- 塌陷判据 collapse criterion
- 非奇H-矩阵的两个子类 Two Subsets of Nonsingular H-Matrix
- 单个适配器可能包含选择判据以限制数据表中的记录个数。 The individual adapters would probably include selection criteria to limit the number of records in the data tables.
- 复合判据 composite criterion
- 综合判据 criterion
- 水满判据 criterion of full water
- 临界判据 critical criterion
- 检测判据 detecting criterion
- 位移判据 displacement criterion