- 坐在墙角那边行吗? Would you like to sit over there in the corner?
- 墙角那边行吗? Would you like to sit over there in the corner?
- 芳汀进门以后,走去坐在墙角里,不动也不说话,缩成一团,好象一条害怕的母狗。 On entering, Fantine fell down in a corner, motionless and mute, crouching down like a terrified dog.
- 吗 morphine
- 他坐在墙角里,冷眼观察来客的言谈举止。 He sat in a corner, watching with a cold eye how the guests were conducting themselves.
- "理所当然我来驾驶,你可以坐在我后面。" "我决不坐在你后面。" "I will drive of course. You may sit behind me." "In a pig's ear I may sit behind you."
- 我坐在这儿行吗? Would it be all right if I sit here?
- 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。 Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go.
- 她的功课行吗? Is her schoolwork up to scratch?
- 她将发辫弄蓬松, 她的头发高高隆起, 摆出一付好像猫儿被狗逼在墙角那样的典型姿态。 Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close-cornered by a dog.
- 我们坐在树墩上休息。 We sat on a stump to take a rest.
- 你行吗? Are you any good?
- 有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。 Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.
- 帮我把我的外套挂在钩上行吗? Will you hang my coat on the hook?
- 她坐在一张凳子上。 She sat on a stool.
- 你帮我把上衣挂好行吗? Will you hook my coat for me?
- 她坐在一级石阶上。 She sat on a stone step.
- 我们把它推迟到第二天行吗? Could we put it off to the next day?
- 海斯和坐在身旁的车长戴尔·格特看着她,吓坏了。 Hayes and the conductor seated next to him,Dale Getter,watched her,horrified.
- 你受累把围裙给我系上行吗? Could you tie this apron round me?