- 她拍了几张斗牛场面的快照。 She snapshotted a few pictures of the bullfight.
- 他的山水画达到了炉火纯青的地步。 He attained perfection in landscape painting.
- 这是个动人的场面。 This is a moving spectacle.
- 她将会把他逼到自杀的地步。 She'll push him to the verge of suicide.
- 她双目扫视了一下这个场面。 Her eyes traveled over the scene.
- 这无论在我们的内部事务中,或是在国际交往中,都已达到令人无法容忍的地步。 Such things have reached intolerable dimensions both in our domestic affairs and in our contacts with other countries.
- 这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。 This picture represents a scene at King Arthur's court.
- 他是摆浮华场面的高手。 He is a master of glitz.
- 刻不容缓的地步。 In no condition for further delay.
- 我记得每看完一段精彩的经过舞蹈设计的打斗场面,观众都报以热烈掌声。 I remember the audience bursting into applause after every bout of the superbly choreographed fight sequence.
- 她工作到了精疲力竭的地步。 She worked to the point of exhaustion.
- 拍这个场面雇用了两个替角。 Two doubles were employed for this scene.
- 他怎么会堕落到这种地步呢? How could he sink to such depths?
- 一个过于夸张哀悼的葬礼场面 a bathetic funeral scene
- “你总可以和史蒂夫出去玩玩吧。”“我还没无聊到那个地步呢!” 'You could always go out with Steve.' 'I'm not that hard up!'
- 场面互不连贯的戏 a play of staccato scences
- 没有什么会令到我采取这样的地步。 Nothing will induce me to take such a step.
- 一个主题重要性的场面 a scene of thematic importance.
- 描写一个场面 to paint a scene
- 我们大家都永远不会忘记那激动的场面。 None of us will ever forget that exciting scene.