- 在芝加哥停留多久? How long is the layover in Chicago?
- 可以中途在芝加哥停留吗? Is it possible to stop over at Chicago?
- 我们将在芝加哥停留两天。 We are going to stay in Chicago for two days.
- 往[从]纽约去[来]的途中,在芝加哥停留 stop in Chicago en route to [from] New York
- 你将在美国停留多久? How long are you going to stay in the United States?
- 芝加哥 Chicago
- 他真的是到处跑-星期一他在华盛顿;星期三他在芝加哥;而今天他在纽约了。 He really gets around-Monday he was in Washington; Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York.
- 那您准备在美国停留多久? How long will you be staying in the U.S.?
- 如果你在芝加哥做不出好广告,换到别的地方也无济于事。 If you can't make a good ad in Chicago, you can't make one anywhere.
- 停留多久? How long is the stopover?
- 要停留多久? How long is the layover?
- 现在,我来做一个滑稽可笑的游戏,那是我在芝加哥学来的。 Now we are going to play an idiotic game which I learned in Chicago.
- 预计在巴基斯坦停留多久? How long will you be staying in Pakistan?
- 我们已在芝加哥获得了6次总决赛冠军,这都是团队齐心协力的结果。 We have won championships in Chicago because of teamwork and team unity.
- 那个摇滚乐团在芝加哥很受欢迎。 That rock and roll band is very big in Chicago.
- 您要停留多久? How long are you going to stay?
- 这场音乐会在芝加哥曾轰动一时。 The concert was quite a hit in Chicago.
- 你愿停留多久皆可。 Stay as long as you like.
- 他们在芝加哥定居了。 Their life is rooted in Chicago now.
- 中途要停留多久? How long is the layover?