- 在学校他学什么课程? A: What subjects does he study at school?
- 在学校他的同学认为他是乡下佬并嘲笑他的乡村的怪习惯。 At school, his classmates regarded him as a yokel and laughed at his rustic mannerisms.
- 在学校他是一个很差劲的学生,但现在做足球运动员他却浑身是劲。 He was a poor student at school,but as a football player he is a ball of fire.
- 你在大学里打算学什么课程? What subjects are you going to take at the university?
- 在学校 at school
- 主:你主要学过些什么课程? I: What are your main subjects?
- 你的儿子不笨。他学起来虽然吃力,但是他在一点点地进步。 Your boy is not stupid. He does not learn easily but he gets there bit by bit.
- 您在社区大学修什么课程呢? What courses do you take at the community college?
- 他学什么东西都很快。 He is quick at picking up things.
- 自从她在学校里获奖以来,她就一直目中无人,不愿与别的女孩子说话。 Since she won a prize at school she's been going about with her nose in the air and refusing to talk to the other girls.
- 多数学生选什么课程? What courses are most students opting for?
- 我向他学了不少美国俚语,他也迫切要求向我学习汉语。 I learn a lot of American slang from him. He is also eager to learn Chinese from me.
- 约翰逊对他在学校的工作漫不经心。 Johnson has a devil-may-care feeling about his school work.
- 你在大学教什么课程? What courses do you teach in the campus?
- 在学校(中学),人可以站稳。在牛津或剑桥,人就常常站不稳了。 At school a man find his feet. at oxford or at cambridge he too often lose balance.
- 你必须多多关照那个新来的人,直到他学会日常工作为止。 You have to stand over the mew man until he learns the routine.
- 你会参加车间里的什么课程? What courses will you attend at the workshop?
- 如果你在学校里说其他孩子的坏话,就没有人再和你交往了。 If you tell tales about other boys in school, you'll be sent to Coventry.
- 老兄,你下学期修什么课程? What courses are you taking next semester,old man?
- 他在学校莽撞而又顽劣;顽劣的男孩。 he was saucy and mischievous in school; a naughty boy.