- 在你们旅馆有桑拿浴吗?理发室 Is there a saunain your hotel? Night club ball room swimming pool conference room telephone in the room bar barber house
- 我在你们旅馆预定了一个房间。我的名字叫查尔斯。霍金斯。 I have a room reserved in your hotel. My name is Charles Hawkins.
- 可以在你们旅馆预订房间吗? Is it possible to make a reservation in your hotel?
- 我们这里的设施有桑拿浴、牌室、吧、容美发、提供按摩服务。 Our center facilities including Sauna、 Chess room、 Disco Bar、 Hair& Beauty salon and Massage service.
- 顺便问一下,你们旅馆有餐厅吗? By the way, is there a dining room in the hotel?
- 你们 you
- “朋友,"他说,虽然自己身处困境,也能看出这个人的地位之低。 "你们旅馆有什么事可以给我做吗? "My friend," he said, recognising even in his plight the man's inferiority, "is there anything about this hotel that I could get to do?"
- 我和我妻子在你们旅馆度蜜月。 Would you happen to have a room for two available this weekend.
- 你们的 yours
- 我在旅馆有一套房间-起居室、卧室、卫生间。 I have a suite of rooms at the hotel-a living room, bed room, and bath.
- 在你们确信这种关系会持续之前,最好尽可能作低调处理。 Until you know a relationship will last,it is in your best interests to keep it as low- key as possible.
- 这家旅馆有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。 The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.
- 我在你们旅馆预定了一个房间。我的名字叫查尔斯·霍金斯。 I have a room reserved in your hotel. My name is Charles Hawkins.
- 这次罢工中,不论我是否会失去工作,我都坚定地站在你们一边。 Whether I lose my jobthrough this strike, I stand firm by you.
- 他经营房地产生意,在滨水旅馆有一套房子。 He was in the real estate business and kept a suite at the Edgewater Beach Hotel.
- 在你们国家付侍者小费是一种习惯吗? Be it customary to tip waiter in your country?
- 在你们首次载人航天飞行成功之际,向你们伟大的国家表示祝贺! I congratulate your great country on the event of its first manned space flight!
- 我想在你们旅馆预订一个房间。 I want to book a room with your hotel.
- 在你们那一地区人们做那种事情吗? Do people do that sort of thing in your neck of the woods?
- 孩子们,在你们完成家庭作业之前,我不想再听到你们叽叽喳喳。 I don't want to hear another peep out of you children until you've finished your homework.