- 圆锥有多少条高? How many heights has a taper?
- 生:知道了圆锥的特征,圆锥有一个顶点,有一条高,有两个面,底面是圆形,圆锥的体积公式。 We learned the character of a taper. A taper has a point, a height, two sides. The underside is a circle, and we learned the formula of a taper.
- 生:知道了圆锥的特征,圆锥有一个顶点,有一条高,有两个面,底面是圆形,圆锥的体积公式。 We learned the character of a taper. A taper has a point, a height, two sides. The underside is a circle, and we learned the formula of a taper.
- 你有多少条裙子? How many skirts do you have?
- 蜈蚣有多少条腿? How many legs does a centipede have?
- 结论:圆锥有两个面,底面是一个圆形,侧面是一个曲面。 A taper has two sides, the underside is a circle, the flank is a camber.
- 例如人的脑袋内有多少条神经线? Find out if you can transform yourself from a memory chump into a champ.
- 生:圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。 It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber.
- 师:长方体有多少条棱?数数看。 How many edges does a cuboid have ? Count, please.
- 什么叫圆柱体的高?它有几条高? What's the height of cylinder? How many heights does a cylinder have?
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 长方体有多少条棱?数数看。 How many edges does a cuboid have?
- 希望他的脾气能明显好起来,因为从外形看,这是一条高黄的品相极好的缅蟒。 I hope that his temper could become week, because on the outside, I could say this was a well-condition python.
- 约翰在幕后做了大量的工作,人们并不了解俱乐部的成就有多少归于他。 John does a lot of work behind the scenes. People do not realize how much of the club's success is due to him.
- 第十六条高等学历教育分为专科教育、本科教育和研究生教育。 Higher curricula education is divided into specialty education, undergraduate education and post graduate education.
- 到目前为止,有多少人访问了你的主页? How many people have accessed your homepage by now?
- 船桅,桅杆一条高的(有时为分段的)垂直樯,从帆船的龙骨或甲板直立起来以支持帆和操纵装置 A tall vertical spar, sometimes sectioned, that rises from the keel or deck of a sailing vessel to support the sails and running rigging.
- 保罗做他们的领袖有多少年只有天知道。 Paul was the leader for the Lord knows how many years.
- 到明年年底将建成多少条高速公路? How many expressways will have been completed by the end of next year?
- 有多少受训的飞行员没有通过上次考核而被淘汰? How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination?