- 国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。 IOC Headquarters is set up in Switzerland Lausanne fitting of having the world "garden city".
- 总部设在瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的领导机构。 The IOC,Based in Lausanne,Switzerland,is the ruling body of the Olympic Movement.
- 国际奥委会设在何处? Where is the International Olympic Committee located?
- 16在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
- 设在 located at
- 与发送普通信件不同,它无需邮戳或邮资,无论收件人在何处。 Unlike sending a regular letter, no stamp or fee is required, no matter where the recipient lives.
- 王平: 国际奥委会现有多少个成员? Wang Ping: How many members are there in the International Olympic Committee?
- 国家奥委会和国际奥委会是什么关系? What is the relation between a national Olympic committee and the IOC?
- 栅栏,路障,防御横跨地设在进入线路上,用来阻止敌人通过 A structure set up across a route of access to obstruct the passage of an enemy.
- 新工厂将设在何处? Where is the new factory to be located?
- 国际奥委会负责奥运会的事务。 The International Olympic Committee is in charge of the Olympic affairs.
- 他们的办事处设在北京市中心,所以他们的日常开支很大。 Their office is in central Beijing, so their overhead is very high.
- 符合国际奥委会的规定 To meet the requirements of the International Olympic Committee
- 另外一半给各国奥委会和国际奥委会。 The rest is distributed to NOCs and the IOC.
- 国外代理商设在外国的商业代理商或代理人的一种商业机构 A business establishment for commercial agents or factors in a foreign country.
- 在某种程度上,国际奥委会还有第二条格言,被成为奥林匹克信条。 In a way, the IOC has a second motto, which is called the Olympic Creed.
- 国际奥委会知识产权概览 General Overview of Intellectual Property Rights of the International Olympic Committee
- 国际奥委会是何时诞生的? When was the International Olympic Committee founded?
- 国际奥委会1894年成立时,总部设在法国巴黎,1915年4月10日总部迁入有"国际文化城"之称的洛桑。 Its headquarters was moved to Lausanne in Switzerland, a city of international culture on 10 April,1915.
- 谁是现任国际奥委会主席? Who is the current president of the International Olympic Committee?