- 噬菌体展示cDNA文库 Phage display eDNA library
- T7噬菌体展示cDNA文库 T7 phage display cDNA library
- 方法:利用噬菌体展示文库技术筛选与vWF- A1区有高亲合力单链抗体(ScFv) ; Methods:The single chain antibody with high affinity to vWF-A1 was screened with phage display technology;
- 噬菌体展示抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原Fab抗体分子的筛选和序列分析 Screening and Gene Sequencing of Fab Antibodies Against HBsAg from Phage-displayed Library
- 副溶血弧菌感染12h和24h杂色鲍肝脏全长cDNA文库的构建 Construction of liver full-length cDNA libraries of abalone Haliotis diversicolor infected with Vibrio parahaemolyticus for 12 h and 24 h
- 第二部分:噬菌体展示F ab抗体库构建和筛选条件的优化。 The optimized strategy for the amplifying and screening of human-mouse phage Fab antibody library.
- 蚕豆全植株cDNA文库 whole plant cDNA library of Vicia faba Linn
- 消减cDNA文库 subtractive cDNA library
- T7噬菌体展示 T7 phage display
- T噬菌体 T phage
- "科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消遣的,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的内容。" "A science fiction cannot not be regarded as a mere entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much more."
- 亚克隆文库 Sub-clone library
- DNA噬菌体 DNA phage
- 橱窗展示 window display
- M13噬菌体 M13 phage
- 偷窃商店里展示的商品的行为。 the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store.
- 早期噬菌体 preprophage
- 倾向于不合时宜的展示或者表现。 tending to reveal or represent unfavorably.
- 淋球菌噬菌体 gonophage
- 共晶的展示这种固体的组成和性质的 Exhibiting the constitution or properties of such a solid.