- 如果你过去积极参加科研活动的话,你本来会有更丰富的知识。 If you had been active in scientific pursuits, you would have been much better informed.
- 如果 if
- 你的财运船来了--如果你有头脑的话,那就上船吧。 Whose ship has just come in providing he has brains enough to climb aboard.
- 如果你有什么要求,请向我提出来。 If you have any requirements, ask me.
- 如果你有时间,我希望你再待一些时候。 I should like you to stay a bit if you have time.
- 如果你有时间,你理所当然可以去看电影。 It stands t reason you can go to see the film if you have time.
- 如果你有任何难题,和旅行团向导联络。 If you have any problem, contact the tour conductor.
- 如果你有时间,请到我家来和我们一起度周末 If you are free step across to my house and spend the weekend with us.
- 如果你以为我们对你有成见,那你就弄错了。 You are labouring under a wrong impression if you think that we have any prejudice against you.
- 如果你有时间,翻翻词典是值得的。 It will pay to read a dictionary if you have time.
- 如果你有FIV的猫咪,记得仔细的照顾他跟打预防针. If you have a cat with FIV, remember to work closely with your veterinarian regarding vaccinations and health care.
- 恰西会保护你如果你有足够多的银子。 Charsi can shield you if you have a lotta cash.
- 如果你有一副圆规,就很容易画一个圆。 It is easy to describe a circle if you have a pair of compasses.
- "如果你有时间,翻翻词典是值得的。" It will pay to read a dictionary if you have time.
- 如果你有时间,明天给我打个电话,好吗? If you have time, will you call me tomorrow?
- 如果你有信用卡,我们较喜欢信用卡。 We'd prefer a credit card, if you have one.
- 如果你有计划出外旅游,请及早申请。 If the child has any travel plan, please apply for early.
- 如果你有任何疑问,你可以查这本书。 If you are in any doubt you can consult with their parents.
- 如果你有出国工作的机会,切勿放过。 If you get the opportunity to work abroad, you should seize it with both hands.
- 如果你有胆量坚持下去,你就能成功。 If you got the guts to stick it out, you are going to make it.