- 喝杯好茶再走好吗? How about a nice cup of tea before you leave?
- 这就是你所需要的,一杯好茶! There you are! A nice cup of tea.
- 我们赶快喝杯酒好吗? How about a quick drink?
- 和我们一同喝一杯好吗? Will you partake of a drink with us?
- 把沏好的茶再闷一会儿。 Let the tea stand a while to draw flavour.
- 咱们现在走好吗? Shall we go now?
- "喝杯啤酒?" "不,谢谢。我好不容易决定不再喝酒了的。" "Have a beer." "No thanks. I've signed the pledge at last."
- 一杯好茶和一杯咖啡,你更喜欢哪一个?海伦:我更喜欢喝茶。 Gorge: Which one do you prefer, a good cup of tea or coffee? Helen: I prefer a good cup of tea.
- 你吃了晚饭再走好吗? Won't you stay for/to supper?
- 好茶还需巧冲泡。 A cup of good tea requires skills in preparing.
- 请你告诉我去机场怎么走好吗? Would you please tell me how to get to the airport?
- 海潮茶果一粒沏泡一杯,不浪费,还可随身携带,让您随时随地都能品饮一杯好茶。 Haichao teablocks have the characteristic of security, health, facility, standardization, and high quality.
- 一定要看看所有的门都锁好了再走。 See that all the doors are locked before you leave.
- 好茶不怕细品。 Tea of good quality can stand any critical sipping.
- 再来一点黄油面包好吗? Would you like some more bread and butter?
- 马卡斯:服务生,拿一杯好茶给这位小姐。 Marcus : Garcon, a nice cup of tea for this lady here.
- 什么,要走了?不再喝杯咖啡? What, already? Won't you have another coffee?
- 我想吃一顿好茶点。 I should like to have a good tea.
- 常来信,好吗? Write me sometime, OK ?
- 你一定要查看一下门都锁好再走 See that all the doors are locked before you leave