- 哪一种煎蛋? How do you like it fried?
- 早点餐包括有煮蛋、炒蛋、煎蛋、卧蛋,您要哪一种? Breakfast contains boiled egg, scrambled egg, fried egg, poached egg, which one do you prefer?
- 海味贝壳烤具一种煎烤或盛放各种海味菜肴的扇贝壳状盘子或扇贝壳 A scallop-shaped dish or a scallop shell in which various seafood dishes are browned and served.
- 我们提供火煺或腌肉夹蛋,您喜欢哪一种? We serve ham or bacon with your eggs. Which do you like better?
- 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗? Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat?
- 菜肉馅煎蛋饼一种有馅但无上面一层的煎蛋卷,常和肉、奶酪和蔬菜一起烹调 An open-faced omelet,often cooked with meat,cheese,or vegetables.
- 我们提供火腿或腌肉夹蛋,您要哪一种? We serve ham or bacon with your eggs. Which would you prefer?
- 哪一种是连初学者也能玩的最普遍的赌博? What may be the most popular type of gambling that a beginner can enjoy?
- 你喜欢哪一种生活,陆上生活还是水上生活? Which do you prefer, life on land or life afloat?
- 蕨类植物有许多不同的种类,无论哪一种都不长花。 There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.
- 无论哪一种情况,物体都不再保持平衡。 In either case, the body does not remain in equilibrium.
- 图书馆安置哪一种书架的争论只是小题大做,现在已被忘却了。 The argument about the type of shelves to install in the library was only a storm in s teacup and has now been forgotten.
- 无论用哪一种方法做, 结果都相同。 It has the same result, whichever way you do it.
- 这里有咖啡和茶,你比较喜欢哪一种? There is coffee or tea. Which would you prefer?
- 我们有中国的和西方的,您更喜欢哪一种? We have both Chinese and western perfume. Which do you like better?
- "我问他: "您认为哪一种性格的人比较适合这个行业? I asked," What kind of personality do you think is suitable for this industry?"
- 玛丽正在试用不同的打字机,看哪一种对她最合适。 Mary is experimenting with different typewriters to see which one suits her best.
- 下列哪一种性传播疾病不是细菌感染? Which of the following is not a bacterial infection?
- 下列哪一种性传播疾病不是病毒感染? Which of the following is not a viral infection?
- 下列哪一种技术没有被用来报告绩效 Which of the following is not used for reporting performance?