- 和我一起去英语角好吗? How about going to English Corner with me?
- 好吧。顺便问问,你下午可以和我一起去选一份生日礼物给琳达吗? All right. by the way, will you go with me this afternoon to choose a gift for Linda?
- 南希,你今晚跟我去英语角好吗?:我很想去。但今晚我有个约会。你能改天再约我吗? Nancy, would you like to join me at the English corner tonight? B: I'd love to. But I have a date tonight. Can I take a rain check?
- 星期三和我一起去钓鱼好吗? How would you like to come fishing with me on Wednesday?
- 和我一起去英语角如何? What about going to English corner with me?
- 请你和我一起去游泳好吗? Will you please go swimming with me?
- 坐下来和我一起看看这份会计报告。 Take a load off your feet and look over this treasurer's report with me.
- 下课之后和我一起去喝点什么好吗? Do you want to have a drink with me after class?
- 噢,我想你妈妈会让你和我一起走的,她将自己出去和朋友呆在一起。 Oh,I think your mother will let you come with me. She'll go away herself,and stay with friends.
- 小女孩在草原上不断呼唤各种小动物:和我玩好吗? The little girl kept calling out to the little animals on the meadow, Will you play with me?
- 百格鲁在好几个项目上和我一起工作,我们成了好朋友。 Herbert Bigelow worked with me on several of the subjets. We became good friends.
- 请你跟我一起去参加一个舞会好吗? Would you please go to a dancing party with me?
- 布兰达比较喜欢和我一起二重唱,而比较不喜欢独唱。 Instead of singing a solo, Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet.
- 这个,我们一起去教堂,看看他们怎么做弥撒,好吗? Allan: Well, how about going to church and see how they do mass, ok?
- 你想不想和我一起去参加一个聚会? Would you like to go to a party with me?
- 如果你今晚有空的话,愿不愿意和我一起出去? If you are not busy tonight, would you like to go out with me?
- 我想和我的两个孩子一起去看马戏表演。 I would love to go to the circus with my two children.
- 他不愿和我一起去。 He is not ready to go with me.
- 我要求皮特到法国和我一起,他告诉我他的生活就像流浪汉一样。 I asked Pete to be frank with me and he told me of his life as a derelict.
- 明天下午有一场车展,我有两张票,咱俩一起去好吗? Oh, there is a car exhibition tomorrow afternoon. I have two tickets. Would you like to go there with me?