- 我将听天由命。
I'll accept my fate with resignation.
- 她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。
She wondered what fate had in store for her next.
- 我们是听任命运摆布的傀儡吗?
Are we the puppets of fate?
- 他们如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来。
If they had any respect for human life they wouldn't do such terrible things.
- 有些人相信,命运之神支配人类的命运。
Some people believe that the Fates preside over man's destiny.
- 他珍视生命。
He holds life dear.
- 他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。
He saved his daughter from the fire but at the cost of his own life.