- 这周末你干什么? What will you do during this weekend?
- 这周末你将干什么? What will you do this weekend?
- 什么 what
- 周末你想干什么? What do you want to do at weekends?
- 周末你干什么? What are you doing over the weekend?
- 起床以后你干什么了? What did you do after you got up ?
- 周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物。 You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.
- 下周这个时候你干什么? What will you do this time next week?
- 你干嘛总是把周末的作业留到星期日晚上做? Why do you always leave your weekend homework till Sunday evening?
- 你干什么去? What are you going to do?
- 这周末你想做什么? What do you feel like doing this weekend?
- 后天你干什么? What will you do the day after next day?
- 周末你做什么消遣? What do you do for fun at weekend?
- 我不在乎你干什么 I don't give a hang what you do.
- 周末你喜欢做什么? What do you do on Sundays?
- 上周六你干什么了? What did you do last Saturday?
- 嗨,杰森。这个周末你有什么计画?要不要来我家打计算机遊戏? Hi, Jason. Do you have any plan for the weekend? Wanna come to my house to play computer game?
- 十年前你干什么? What are you doing ten year ago?
- 假期,比如“这个周末你准备去哪玩?”或者“今年假期你打算做什么? Holidays, eg "Are you going anywhere this weekend?" Or "Are you going anywhere on holiday this year?
- 退休后你干什么? What will you do after you retire?