- 告诉我,你对我老实吗? Tell me, are you on the level with me?
- 谢谢你对我的信任,告诉我你私人的家庭问题。 Thank you for trusting me with your personal family problem.
- 我老实告诉你,除非有事非与人打交道不可,我对人们总是尽量避而远之。 I assure you I run a mile from people unless I have to do business with them.
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。 All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- 他告诉我怎样做思想工作,对我有很大帮助。 He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work.
- 我老实告诉你,除非有事非与这些人打交道不可,我对他们总是采取避开的态度。 I assure you I would run a mile from these people unless I have to do business with them.
- 对不起,请你告诉我准确的时间好吗? Excuse me. Can you please tell me the correct time?
- 对了,您能顺便告诉我怎么去车站吗? By the way, can you tell me the way to the station?
- 我难以说出我为了你对我的帮助而如何的感激你。 I can't easily express to you how grateful I am for your help.
- 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗? Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time?
- "如果你对我的女朋友胡来,我会揍扁了你!" 他威胁说。 "If you mess my girl about, I'll smash your face in!"
- 你能告诉我几点几分吗?我的表好像停了。 Can I trouble you for the time? My watch seems to have stopped.
- 我渴望做你的朋友,因为你对我诚实。 I'm eager to be your friend as you snoot straight with me.
- 医生说吸烟对我有害。他告诉我戒掉它。 The doctor said smoking was bad for me. He told me to cut it out.
- 你能告诉我离这里最近的汽车站在哪里吗? Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?
- `我星期五以前干不完这项工作--你对我期望过高了。' I can't finish this job by Friday you expect too much of me.'
- 你是否在告诉我你一生中从未离开过英格兰吗? Do you mean to say that you've never been out of England in your whole life?
- 他告诉我怎样做思想工作,对我有很大帮助。 He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work.
- 请把你对这个计划的看法坦白地告诉我。 Tell me straight what you think of the plan.
- 你对我所做的一切,总有一天要遭报应的。 There will be a day of reckoning for what you have done to me!