- 可以让我早点走吗? May I have permission to leave early?
- 今天我要去机场接我表哥,我早点走行吗? I'm going to meet my cousin at the airport. May I leave a little earlier today?
- 你们有和赠品中颜色一样的唇膏可以让我试用吗? Do you have the same color lipstick as in the gift package that I can try?
- 你觉得我早点走合适吗? Do you think it would be in place if I left early?
- 可不可以让我看您的存折及提款单呢? Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip, please?
- 吗 morphine
- 走 to walk
- 他让我早点动身,提醒我说晚了路上会拥挤。 He told me to start early, reminding me that the roads would be crowded.
- 我可以早点走吗? Is it OK for me to. Is it OK for me to leave today?
- 你可以让我兴奋,让我疯狂 You Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off Track
- 海水浴应该可以让我变得更漂亮。 Sea-bathing would set me up nicely.
- "能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?" "你从那座大楼旁边走过去,在那个拐角处乘公共汽车去。" "Can you tell me how to get to the post office?" "You can make by that building and get on the bus at that corner."
- 今天我能早点走吗? May I take off a little early today?
- 如果有件事情可以让我坚持一整晚 Ohhh, if there's one thing i hang onto
- 然后我向师父请求让我早点离开尘世,因为实在太痛苦了。 Then I begged Her to let me leave this world sooner, because I was in too much pain.
- 这里有没有重金属音乐可以让我学? Herbert: Isn't there any heavy metal music I can learn?
- 如果我们今天下午早点走,有反对的吗? Is there any objection if we leave early this afternoon?
- 我可以让你在花园街的交叉路口下车。 I can let you off at the Garden Street intersection.
- 如果你九点钟出发,你正好中午可到达。我倒愿意早点走,从容一些。 If you leave at 9 you should get there by midday all right. I'd rather leave earlier and take it easy.
- 对啊,我到现在头还是很痛。来点解宿醉的酒或许可以让我舒服些。 Yeah, I've still got a bad hangover. Some hair of the dog would probably make me feel better.