- 可以给我一个吗? May I have one?
- 可以给我一个袋子装这些食品杂货吗? Can I have a bag for these groceries?
- 是的,我也这么认为.但是你可以给我一个呕吐袋吗?我怕我会吐. Ling: Yes, I think so, too. But could you please get a vomit bag for me? I'm afraid I might be sick.
- 你可不可以给我一个样品? Can you give me a sample?
- 我也这么认为。但是你可以给我一个呕吐袋吗?我怕我会吐。 Yes, I think so, too. But could you please get a vomit bag for me? I'm afraid I might be sick.
- 可不可以给我大一点的袋子来装我所有的东西? Can I get a bigger gag for all my things?
- 你可以给我讲解一下单打发球规则吗? Can you explain to me the service rules in a singles game?
- 你至少可以给我一个电话吧! You might at least have given me a phone call.
- 你可以给我一份预约确认书吗? Would you give me a confirmation certificate?
- 请给我一个到我们城市的离岸报价。 Please give me a price quote FOB to my city.
- 可以给我个枕头吗? May I have a pillow, please?
- 可以给我一个枕头吗? Could you bring me a pillow?
- 我一定要你给我一个直截了当的回答。 I must insist on your giving me a straightforward answer.
- 谢谢,不必了。但你可以给我按摩一下脸部。 No, thanks, but I'd like a face massage.
- 你可以给我一个大约数字吗? A. Can you give me a rough figure?
- 5这是大祭司和众长老都可以给我作见证的。 5 as also the high priest and all the Council can testify.
- 能给我一个5便士的硬币吗? Can I cop a five-pence coin from you?
- 科林:那么也许你可以给我一些新潮的点子? Colin: Maybe you can give me some fashion tips then?
- 请给我一个食物袋好吗? Can I have a doggy bag, please.
- 你们有没有什么旅游的小册子可以给我看看? Do you have any brochures I can study?