- 可以帮我摆碗筷吗? Can you set the table for me?
- 您可以帮我填一下入境申报单、海关申报单吗? Could you help me to fill out the two divs-immigration div and customs declaration div?
- 摆碗筷 lay the chopsticks and bowls
- 我没有赶上火车。可以帮我把票退了吗? I missed the train. Could you please refund this ticket for me?
- 吗 morphine
- 茱莉亚,请帮我摆餐具,晚宴在六点半就要开始了。 Julia, please help me set the table. The dinner party begins at six thirty.
- 请帮我摆桌子 Please help me lay the table
- 你是不是可以帮我把这些椅子搬回阅览室里去? Would you carry the chairs back into the reading room for me?
- 帮我摆餐具。 Help me set the table.
- 你可以帮我系好安全带么? Could you help us fasten safety belts?
- 可以帮我收拾房间吗? May I have room service please?
- 然后他说出声来:“但愿孩子在就好了。可以帮我一手,让他见识见识这种光景。 Then he said aloud, "I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this.
- 你还可以帮我们搬几把椅子吗? Can you also help us carry some chair?
- 好了,你们若真是喜欢母亲,那么帮我摆餐具吃晚饭好不好? Well, if you really do like your mother, how about helping me by setting the table for supper?
- 哦,好的!你可以帮我缠毛线。 Oh, good! You can help me wind some yarn.
- 我可以帮你做晚饭吗? Can I help you with the dinner?
- 你帮我解这个纵横字谜好吗?它难住我了。 Will you help me with this crossword puzzle? It got me stumped.
- 我可以帮您看看有没有过道的位子。 I can try to find an aisle seat.
- 凯萨琳可以帮上忙吗? Is there anything Kathleen can do to help out?
- 你能帮我把这堆沙推到那棵树旁边吗? Can you help me to get this load of sand up against the tree?