- 可以为您收拾房间吗? May I do the turn down service for you?
- 现在可为您收拾房间了吗? May I do the turn-down service for you now?
- 我想现在为您收拾房间。 I want to clean up the room for you now.
- 我可以为您做晚床服务吗? May I do the turn-down service for you?
- 吗 morphine
- 您还可以为您预计的 You can also set a confidence interval for your predicted
- 可以帮我收拾房间吗? May I have room service please?
- 要我帮您收拾盘子吗? Can I give you a hand with the dishes?
- 不过,我可以为您安排另一个餐厅。 Anyway, I can arrange another restaurant for you.
- 我们目前没有货,不过我们可以为您订购。 We haven't got that in stock at the moment, but we could order it for you.
- 早晨好,先生。对不起打搅您了,我可以收拾房间吗? Good morning, sir. Sorry to disturb you. May I make up the room now?
- 我可以为你买一杯饮料吗? GG: Can I buy you a drink?
- 我可以为您预订017航班的机票。 I can give you a reservation on Flight number 017.
- 请问可以为我找一名翻译吗? English F: Would it be possible to speak to an interpreter?
- 赖瑞:有什麽我可以为您效劳的? Larry: Now, how may I help you?
- 我可以为你拿你的手提包吗? May I take your ba for you?
- 五分钟左右我们就可以为您安排好座位。 We can seat you in five minutes or so.
- 您能提前为我们收拾房间吗? Could you do our room in advance?
- 仅需拨打客户服务热线,我们可以为您提供以下服务 FedEx Customer Service Hotline Simply dial FedEx Customer Service Hotline, our help including
- 也许您可以为我推荐几道菜吧? Maybe you could recommend something for me?