- 变化的程度怎样呢? What will be the extent of the change?
- 战争的长期性是确定了的,但是战争究将经过多少年月则谁也不能预断,这个完全要看敌我力量变化的程度才能决定。 That the war will be protracted is certain,but nobody can predict exactly how many months or years it will last,as this depends entirely upon the degree of the change in the balance of forces.
- 呢 (question particle)
- 在所有这些运动中,他们都强调所有制问题是运动的基本问题,不管这个问题的发展程度怎样。 In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the property question, no matter what its degree of development at the time.
- 变化的 metamorphic
- 在所有这些运动中,他们都特别强调所有制问题是运动的基本问题,不管这个问题的发展程度怎样。 In all these movements they bring to the front,as the leading question in each,the property question,no matter what its degree of development at the time.
- 我听见这话,却不明白,就说,我主阿,这些事末后的结局是怎样呢? And I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, Lord, what will the latter end of these things be?
- 这个阶段的时间的长短,依敌我力量增减变化的程度如何及国际形势变动如何而定,大体上我们要准备付给较长的时间,要熬得过这段艰难的路程。 The duration of this stage will depend on the degree of change in the balance of forces between us and the enemy and on the changes in the international situation; Generally speaking,we should be prepared to see this stage last a comparatively long time and to weather its hardships.
- 迈纳古希腊及亚洲使用的一种不断变化的重量或货币单位 A varying unit of weight or money used in ancient Greece and Asia.
- 无甚变化的温度 an equable temperature
- 你会去看网站或论坛里对于你或节目的讨论吗?如果有,你觉得怎样呢? Do you check out the sites and forums dedicated to you and the show? If so, what do you think?
- 有变化;以多变的方式或者达到多变的程度。 with variation; in a variable manner or to a variable degree.
- 成岩作用在岩石转化过程中沉积物发生化学和物理变化的过程 The process of chemical and physical change in deposited sediment during its conversion to rock.
- 你认为曼谷的天气怎样呢? How do you feel about the weather of Bangkok?
- 略有变化的方法 the method that shades
- 布尔什维克延续俄帝政府固有的政策到怎样的程度? To what extent did the Bolsheviks simply continue policies that the tsarist government was already embracing?
- 事情还不定怎样呢。 It's hard to predict how things will turn out.
- 问题是在今天的情况下,民族资产阶级有没有发生变化的可能性呢? The question is whether there is any possibility that this class will undergo a change in the present circumstances.
- 她来到这里以前,原想要知道玛丽对卡尔逊到底悲痛到怎样的程度。 She had come, desirous to know the extent of Mary's grief for Mr. Carson.
- 蛋白尿的严重性与网膜变化的严重程度并不一致。 The severity of proteinuria was not correpondent to the severity of diabetic retinopathy.