- A位施主剂 A site donors
- 国际东西方大学为第一位国际大学于2002年被全美管理学院联合会(名国际管理学院促进会)受位正式会员。 The first international university to become a full member of the AACSB( originally American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business/ now Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business-International).
- A位掺杂,引起晶格畸变,随A位离子半径
减小,居里温度下降; Doping at A site causes lattice distortion , and Curie temperature decreases with ion radius of A sitedecreasing; - 在对CLOOSROMAT-76AW型焊接机器人的I/O通讯结构进行详细的测绘和剖析后,设计实现了数控焊接受位机与机器人之间的通讯接口。 Having taken a detailed surveying of I/Ocommunication structure and anglicizing of the welding robot of size CLOOSROMAT-76 AW, it has fulfilled the communication interface between numericallycontrolled welding positioner and robot.
- 这位 this (person)
- 一位 single(-)order
- 首位 primacy
- 几位著名的歌唱演员受邀为一次全国性歌唱比赛作评判员。 Several famous singers are invited to act as judge for a national song contest.
- 免疫组化染色结果显示在165例肝癌组织石蜡切片中,除了LMP2分子之外,HLA I类各分子均有不同程度的上调,其中以HLA I类分子A位点上调最明显(54%)。 The result indicated that the expression of most molecules that involved in HLA class I precessing and presenting pathway were upregulated in 165 HCC tissues except LMP2, at the same time HLA class I A locus exhibit the highest percentage of upregulation (54%25).
- 电位 electric potential
- 本位 standard
- 仓位 freight space
- 限位 spacing
- 请您届时携带夫人或其他一位客人光临。我们期待着您的到来。 Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 数位 digital
- 就位 fill one's shoes
- 档位 gear
- 个位 unit
- 占位符 placeholder
- 对位 contraposition