- 发行了哪种邮票? What kind of postage stamps are issued?
- 您想买哪种邮票? What sort of stamp do you want to buy?
- 您要哪种邮票? What kind of stamp do you need?
- 那么JDK使用了哪种方式进行垃圾收集呢? OK, so which of these approaches does the JDK take for garbage collection?
- 发行 issue
- 文莱邮务署为纪念反贪局成立20周年,特地发行了一款邮票及官方首日封。 The Postal Services Department, Brunei Darussalam have now produced a stamp and official first day cover in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the Anti-Corruption Bureau.
- 您想要哪种邮票? What kind of stamps do you need?
- 那种 the sort of
- 终于在1991年,恩雅发行了她《水印》的续篇《牧羊人之月》。 She finally released Shepherd Moons,her follow-up to Watermark,in 1991.
- 老师将仔细调查证据以确定是哪个孩子抄了哪个孩子的。 The teacher will sift the evidence and decide which boy copied from the other.
- 上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。 The post office issued the stamps last week.
- 贝基,让我提醒你,你答应了哪一天要和我一块去看戏。 Let me remind you,Becky,you've promised to go to the theatre with me some day.
- 迟早你会决定收集一种邮票。 Sooner or later you'll decide that you want to collect a certain kind of stamp.
- 一种新硬币发行了。 A new coinage issued.
- 对个人而言,这可能是个好的决定,要看你把钱投在了哪。 Individually, this may be a good decision, depending on where investors place their money.
- 自封为王的罗伊王子专为“海国”确定了国旗、歌,还发行了金银铸币。 The self-styled Prince Roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins.
- 你想要哪种邮票? What kind of stamps do you want?
- 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你拥有一股,那就 表示你拥有整间公司的百万分之一。 Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share,this means that you own one millionth of that company.
- 如果上述两种邮票中你有任何一种,并想出手的话,请给我来信并说明你想以什么价钱卖掉。 If you have either of these and would like to sell them, please write and tell me how much you want for them.
- 不看完这些经验也不会有损失,即使错过了哪段节目,错过的也不重要。 Terminating such experiences suggests that nothing is lost or, if missed, is insigniifcant.