- 参加婚礼穿什么好呢? What shall I wear to the wedding?
- 我该穿什么好呢? How should I dress?
- 什么 what
- 我路上穿什么好呢? What shall I wear on the journey?
- 参加婚礼 attend a wedding
- 参加 to participate
- 呢 (question particle)
- 婚礼 wedding
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 他们的经过挑选的一群朋友应邀参加婚礼。 A selected group of their friends are invited to the wedding.
- 她拿不定主意穿什么好。 She was dithering over what to wear.
- 他们后来知道没有被邀请参加婚礼时,他们觉得受到了冷落。 They felt left out in the cold when they learned later that they had not been invited to the wedding.
- 说什么好呢? It's on the tip of my tongue.
- 我得邀请我所有的亲戚参加婚礼吗? Do I have to ask all my relatives to the wedding?
- 爸名义上是卫理公会教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。 Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered Churches only for weddings and funerals.
- 但是你是否暗示穿上那身衣服显得她的身材并不怎么好呢? But are you implying she wasn't in very good shape there?
- 明天例会我说些什么好呢? I do not know what to say at the morning staff assembly tomorrow.
- 参加婚礼/葬礼 to attend a wedding/funeral
- 如果你不确定该穿什么服装,问主人就好了。 If you are unsure what to wear, you can always ask the host.