- 去美国做什么? Vo: why do you go to the us?
- 你去美国做什么? What do you go to the States for?
- 美国 United States
- 做 to do
- 当肯扬在北京市中心的一家豪华宾馆中敲定他的生意时,英国的人们正在孜孜不倦地谈着贝克汉姆要离开皇马去美国做收入最高的运动员的新闻。 While Kenyon talks business from a plush hotel in the centre of the Chinese capital, tongues wag at home about David Beckham's move from Real Madrid to the US to become America's best paid sportsman.
- 我一向都希望到美国做生意。 I've always wanted to do business in the US.
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 洪堡在愚昧的美国做了一个诗人应当做的事。 Humboldt did what poets in crass America are supposed to do.
- 我母亲说什么也不同意我去美国。 My mother won't hear of my going to America.
- 你在做什么啊? what are you doing?
- 他们是最早去美国的移民。 They were the earliest settlers in America.
- 进出口商务全面开讲:如何和美国做国际贸易 Import and Export: Doing Business with the USA
- 我不知道要做什么好。 I am in doubt what to do.
- 丽娜姨母刚去美国。 Aunt Lena has just left for America.
- 你喜欢做什么就做什么 Do whatever you please.
- 乘船去美国 to embark for America
- 在你申请去美国读研究生时,应该知道竞争是十分激烈的。 When you apply to US graduate schools,you should understand that the competition will be stiff.
- 1790年,美国做的第一次人口普查的结果显示,美国当时90%的人口有英国血统,英语自然是美国最重要的语言。 In 1790, the 1st census held in the USA. About 90%25 of the population are British descendants. English was the most popular and the most important language in the country.
- 下个月他要去美国学习法律。 And he will go to America to study law next month.
- 你十一点之前离开后做什么去了? You left before eleven. What did you do afterward?