- 厕所里没有人吧? Is the lavatory vacant?
- 我可以想象,当她们发现我们的厕所里没有镜子时,会多么沮丧。 I can imagine how disappointed they must have been when they found no mirrors in our toilets!
- 厕所里没有人吧? Is the lavatory vacant?
- 厕所里没人吧? Is the lavatory vacant?
- 在这个办公室里没有人比她打字更出色。 No one is her superior in typewriting in this office.
- 如果房间里没有人,灯会自动熄灭。 Lights will go off if no one is in the room.
- 船员厕所里小便池排水管需换新。 Urinal drain pipes in crew toilets to be renewed.
- 跳舞吧,就像没有人看你一样 Love as if you have never been hurt
- 不是“厕所里有一个流浪汉” it was not @There is a bum in the bathroom.
- 没有人像我这样吻你的,是吧? None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they?
- 你怎么了?在厕所里呆了半个小时了。 What's the matter? You've been in the toilet for half an hour.
- 办公室里没有地方可再摆一个档案柜。 There is no room for another filing cabinet in the office.
- "一场别开生面的面试在厕所里进行。 "We had the interview in the toilet.
- 没有人要吃这些食物, 最好还是扔了吧。 No one will eat this food; it might just as well be thrown away.
- “告诉司机厕所里有一个流浪汉。” Tell the driver there's a bum in the bathroom.
- 援助在允诺的日子里没有到,这使我们很不愉快,像被遗弃了一样。 The aid did not arrive on the promised date giving us the unpleasant feeling of having been run out on.
- 那里也许有六七十人吧。反正屋子里挤得严严实实。 There were maybe 60 or 70 people there. At any rate, the room was packed.
- 丘吉尔出生在一个舞会的女厕所里。 Winston Churchill was born in a ladies'room during a dance.
- 没有人知道工资将会增加多少,但可能是5%左右吧。 Nobody knows what the pay rise will be,but the odds are that it will be in the order of five per cent.
- 班里没有一个学生能解答这个问题。 Not a single student in the class could get the problem out.