- 卡宾达飞地解放阵线; FLEC; Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave;
- 卡宾达飞地解放阵线/卡宾达武装部队 Frente de Libertacao do Enclave de Cabinda/Forcas Armadas de Cabinda
- 解放长宾达飞地运动 Mouvement pour la liberation de l'enclave de Cabinda
- 该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。 The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda, Kwanza-Sul, Luanda, Namibe, Benguela and Zaire.
- 宾 visitor
- 巴格达在小武器和爆炸物方面训练巴勒斯坦解放阵线。 Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives.
- 刷卡 punch the card
- 长达 extend as long as
- 充值卡 top-up card
- 津巴布韦解放阵线; FLCS; Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe;
- 持卡人 cardholder
- 阵线 a front (i.e. militant group)
- 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania
- (翻译)信、达、雅 "faithfulness, expressiveness and taste"
- 白卡纸 ivory board
- 飞地特征 characteristics
- 萨达姆利用阿拉伯解放阵线向巴勒斯坦自杀者的家属提供资金。 Saddam uses the Arab Liberation Front to funnel money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong the Intifada.
- 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
- 重达 heft
- 冰卡布奇诺 Iced Cappuccino