- 博物馆最迟几点开放呢? How late is the museum open?
- 阅览室几点开放? When is the reading-room open?
- 最迟几点钟退房? What is the latest check-out time?
- 这是斯坦福德条约,莫里斯博物馆最重要的藏品。 This is the Stamford Treaty, the most important item in the Morris Museum.
- 餐厅什么时间开放呢? When does th dining room open?
- 我还是这样看,迟几年跟美国建立外交关系为好。 I still think it preferable to put off the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States for some years.
- 现在它是美国历史博物馆最吸引人这处,它反映了人类与这种稀有金属的联系。 And it is now a star attraction at the American Museum of Natural History, profiling the connection over time between people and this precious metal.
- 您最适合的时间是几点呢? What time will suit you most?
- 党如果对党员不执行纪律,还怎么能领导群众呢? If the Party can't discipline its own members,how can it lead the masses?
- 政府公开表示,污染是这个城市发展的最大问题。 The government went on record stating pollution is the greatest problem of the city development.
- 如果党的组织把群众的意见和利害放在一边,不闻不问,怎么能要求群众信任和爱戴这样的党组织的领导呢? If the Party organization ignores the views and interests of the masses,how can it expect to win their trust and their support for its leadership?