- 单词“egg”在哪呢? Where is the word @egg@?
- 那么,真正的问题究竟在哪呢?巴黎的科欣分子遗传学研究所 The Cochin Institute of Molecular Genetics
- 呢 (question particle)
- 单词 word
- 既然MDB接口中消除了与JMS有关的限制,那么将部署描述符放在哪呢? With all the JMS-related restrictions gone from the MDB interface, where does this leave the deployment descriptor?
- 雪人在哪呢? Where's Mr. Snowman?
- 但是健身房在哪呢? But where's the gym?
- 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。 At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns.
- 把它们放在哪呢? Richard: Where does it go?
- 在哪一方面 what
- 五一节我们去哪呢? Where shall we go for the May Day?
- 女总管在哪? Where is the matron?
- 你能去哪呢?你在做什么呢? Wherever you go?Whatever you do?
- 你的孩子在哪所学校念书? Which school does your child go to?
- 李:你有孩子吗?作为他们的父亲,你会让他们选择待在哪国?。 Li:Do you have kids?As their father,do you think that you'll let them choose where they are going to stay?
- 这样说来,该把弗老大放哪呢? So where does Steve fit in?
- 假设你在车道高速上行驶,你应在哪条车道上转弯,转到哪里? Supposed you are driving on a four-lane highway. From which lane should you turn? Into which lane should you turn?
- 鱼儿或许会爱上鸟儿,但他们要住哪呢? A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?
- `我的生日庆祝会能在哪天举行?'`在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧。' `When can I have my birthday party?' `On the Saturday nearest to it.'
- 大卫不知道迈克尔杰·克逊唱的歌在哪盘磁带上,因此他就无目的地听着。 David didn't know which cassette had the songs by Michael Jackson, so he began playing the record, trying the cassette hit-or-miss.