- 十五分钟可以到达吗? Can I get there in about 15 minutes?
- 演说之后将有几分钟可以提问题。 Following the speech,there will be a few minutes for questions.
- 吗 morphine
- 分钟 minute
- 天黑前我们可以到达伦敦。 We'll strike London before dark.
- 火车会准时到达吗? Will the train arrive on time?
- 那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟。 The interview overran by fifteen minutes.
- 到达 to reach
- 八点钟我们可以到达阿拉斯。 we shall reach Arras at eight;
- 十五分钟内会到吗? Can we get there in 15 minutes?
- 要多长时间才可以到达那里? How long does it take to get there?
- 我们会按时到达吗? Are we likely to arrive on time?
- 我十五分钟内捉到七条鳟鱼。 I caught seven trout in fifteen minutes.
- 通过这个桥洞我们就可以到达环形码头和岩石区。 We can reach Circular Quay and the Rocks through that little tunnel.
- [医] 每十五分钟 Om. quar. hor.
- 能准时到达吗? Can you get here on time?
- 节目持续了一小时十五分钟. The programme lasted an hour and a quarter.
- 只有半小时的路程就可以到达高塔了。 It is only half an hour walk to the tall tower.
- 船能正点到达吗? Will the ship arrive on time?
- 再过两小时十五分钟 In two hours and fifteen minutes