- 勇猛 intrepidity
- 躐等求进 try to advance by skipping necessary steps
- 入境处亦是一个有远见及不断求进的部门。 The Immigration Department is also a department with good vision and a zeal for constant betterment.
- 勇猛的 lionhearted
- 请求进跑道。 Request to enter the runway.
- 分类定位务实求进 Be pragmatic and keep forging ahead in the work of classification and orientation
- 他勇猛如雄狮。 He was as brave as a lion.
- 中国铅锌工业难中求进 China lead and Zinc Industry--Strive in Difficulties
- 那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。 The soldier was as brave as a lion.
- 排难求进闯新路,搞活经营增效益 Get rid of difficulties to break a new path, enliven the management to increase economic returns
- 那士兵作战勇猛。 The soldier was a tiger in fight.
- 产品如此多元化,正好显示出香港制造业活力充沛,积极求进。 This diversity underlines the dynamism of our manufacturing sector.
- 刚毅与勇猛不同。 Fortitude is distinct from valor.
- 这个例子是求新、求变与求进精神的体现。 This is an example that shows the willingness to learn,change and progress.
- 他以勇猛著称。 He has an excellent character for bravery.
- 我们将不懈努力,技术不断求进,品质不断求精,服务全力尽心。 We will try on and try on to make great advance in technology, refine on the quality continuously and service you with our whole heart.
- 勇猛无比 unrivaled in bravery; One's valour is unparalleled
- 勇猛地 valiantly
- 值得我们庆幸的是,香港的非政府服务机构既负责任又富经验,而且不断求进。 We are indeed very lucky to have a progressive,responsible and experienced non-governmental sector in Hong Kong.
- 勇猛意味着对死亡与痛苦的轻蔑。(一不怕苦,二不怕死?) Valour is the contempt of death and pain.