- 加权FCM weighted FCM
- FCM Fuzzy C-means
- FCM建模 FCM modeling
- 加权调和平均价格 weighted harmonic average price
- 遗传FCM Genetic algorithm Fuzzy C Mean
- 雷达与AIS目标航迹模糊关联与统计加权合并融合方法的探讨 Discussion on Fusion Method of Radar and AIS Object Track Fuzzy Correlation and Statistics Weighted Coalition
- 半监督FCM semi-supervised FCM
- 赛沃尔·劳埃特认为把每次观测直接加权作为花粉频率是可取的。 Sewall Wnight thought it desirable to weight each observation directly as the pollen frequency.
- FCM-DNA倍体分析 FCM-DNA ploidy analysis
- 加权选票 a weighted vote(= one that is worth more than a single vote)
- 流式细胞术(FCM) Flow Cytometry (FCM)
- 加权算术平均价格 weighted arithmetic average price
- 模糊c-均值(FCM) Fuzzy c-Mean (FCM)
- T1-加权 T1 -Weighed
- 对手抑制式FCM算法 rival checked FCM algorithm
- T2-加权 T2-Weighed
- 模糊C一均值(FCM) Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)
- 形式加权 Exchange of letters exchange quotation
- 来自FCM论坛成员的链接 Links from Members of FCM Forum
- 核加权 kernel weighted