- 前 previous
- 坐在我左边的牧师是我的老相识。 他现在是牧师,可前半辈子却是在戎马生涯中度过的,而且还当过伍立奇军事学校的教官。 The clergyman at my left was an old acquaintance of mine clergyman now, but had spent the first half of his life in the camp and field and as an instructor in the military school at Woolwich.
- 前的 prevenient
- 半辈子 half of a lifetime
- 向前 onward
- 前几天 the other day
- 前一 Before
- 在前 forward
- 前一个 previous
- 往前 along
- 前日 eve
- 前文 preamble
- 前页 preceding page
- 前置 preposing
- 几天前 other day
- 前部 foreside
- 税前 pre-tax
- 前晚 overnight
- 前一天 last day
- 前胸 prothorax