- 前列腺素类E Prostaglanins E
- 钙稳态及前列腺素类异常在急性胰腺炎由水肿向坏死发展中的作用 Calcium homeostasis and prostanoids in the conversion of acute edematous pancreatitis to necrotizing pancreatitis in rats
- 环氧合酶-2蛋白及前列腺素类物质与卵巢浆液性癌生物学行为的关系 Relationship between cyclooxygenase-2 protein expression, prostaglandins levels and biologic behavior in ovarian carcinoma tissue
- 素 plain
- 前列腺素E类 Prostaglandins E
- 前列腺素E_1对急性呼吸窘迫综合征病人氧供和氧耗的影响 Effects of prostaglandin E_1 on oxygen delivery and consumption in patients with ARDS
- 绿素类 chlorins
- 泛素类 Ubiquitins
- 前列腺素E-2 PGE-2
- 动素类 Kinetins
- 前列腺分泌前列腺素的腺 The prostate gland.
- 黑素类 Melanins
- 前列腺素2 PGE2
- 高效液相色谱法测定高含水量辣椒制品中的辣椒素类物质 Determination of Capsaiciniods in High Water-bearing Pepper Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 其详细机理及免疫应答的调控是否依赖前列腺素尚待阐明. However,it is unclear about the detailed mechanism and whether the modulation of immune responses is PG dependent.
- 从分子极性表面积预测头孢菌素类药物的血浆蛋白结合率 Prediction of plasma protein binding of cephalosporins from polar molecular surface areas
- 前列腺素E_2 Prostaglandin E2
- 雄性素类 androgenic corticoids
- 异前列腺素 isoprostanes
- 连接素类 catenins