- 制作模式的MDI子窗体 Make MDI Child Forms Act Modal
- 如何:将数据发送到活动的MDI子窗体 How to: Send Data to the Active MDI Child
- 如果应用程序是多文档界面(MDI)应用程序,请使用ActiveMdiChild属性获得当前活动的MDI子窗体。 If your application is a multiple-document interface (MDI) application, use the ActiveMdiChild property to obtain the currently active MDI child form.
- 制作模式 writing mode
- 请注意,通过从“文件”菜单中选择“新建”,可创建新的MDI子窗体,该子窗体在“窗口”菜单中被跟踪。 By selecting New from the File menu, you can create new MDI child forms, which are kept track of in the Window menu.
- 基于网络学习的高等数学教学课件制作模式 The Pattern of Courseware Facture of Advanced Mathematics for Study in Cyberspace
- 基于风险规避下的我国养老保险基金投资组合模式的构造 Setting up the Pattern of Investment Combination of Pension Fund in China based on Risk Aversion
- 属性用于在加载后自动显示MDI子窗体。 Property of an MDI form is used to automatically show an MDI child form when it is loaded.
- 北方农牧过渡带农户农业生产系统模式的生态评价和改良研究 Ecological Assessment and Improvement for Agricultural Production Systems of Households in Cropping and Pasture Transition Zone of Northern China
- 这将使“窗口”菜单能够维护打开的MDI子窗口的列表(活动子窗口旁有一个复选标记)。 This will enable the Window menu to maintain a list of open MDI child windows with a check mark next to the active child window.
- 中国资本项目开放模式的探讨 Discussion on Open Mode of Capital Account in China
- 职校道德自我教育模式的构建 Setting up the Self-Taught Models of Morality in Vocational Schools
- 演练:创建具有菜单合并功能和ToolStrip控件的MDI窗体 Walkthrough: Creating an MDI Form with Menu Merging and ToolStrip Controls
- 检索分子序列数据库模式的简易方法。 FPAT -an easy way to search a molecular sequence database for patterns.
- 关闭当前MDI子窗口 Close the current MDI child window
- 发布使用字符模式的大容量复制来生成初始快照,该快照支持非SQL Server订阅服务器。 Publication uses character-mode bulk copy to generate the initial snapshot, which supports non-SQL Server Subscribers.
- 在运行时访问窗体区域 Accessing a Form Region at Run Time
- 低丘红壤区典型复合农林模式的生态评价 Ecological Assessment of the Typical Multiple Agricultural Ecosystem in Low Hilly Land of Red Soil Region
- 演练:设计Outlook窗体区域 Walkthrough: Designing an Outlook Form Region