- 到那时会怎么样呢?人类现在在地球上所做的一切也并没有好到哪里去 "Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right.now"
- 当然可以,我们到那时会用电话叫醒您的。 Well call you by phone at that time.
- 有人就问他说:“如果用你的矛来刺你的盾,会怎么样呢?” Now someone came up and asked him:"If you hold up your spear to pierce through your shield,what will happen?"
- 到那时会建成一个进口液化天然气的终段储备站,这个储备站将由英国bg集团领导的建工团进行完成并已经安排就绪准备开工。 By then a terminal for the import of liquefied natural gas( LNG), being built by a consortium headed by Britain's BG Group, is due to start up.
- 呢 (question particle)
- 不会 unlikely
- 我不能确定到那时会有多少人还会邀请一个老人去做演讲,哪怕他曾经当过总统,因为那时他除了年龄以外已无长处示人。 I am not sure how many universities will then want to be lectured by an old man,even a former President,with nothing to show but his age!
- ”但是那些越来越多地不去利用这个机会的那部分男人会怎么样呢? " And what of the men who are increasingly not part of that "everybody"?
- 到那时 by that time
- 用两个完全一样的钝角三角形来拼,会怎么样呢?请同学们动手拼一拼。 What figure can we combine two same obtuse-angled triangles into.
- 如果实现了翻两番,那时会是个什么样的政治局面? What will the political situation be like once we have quadrupled the GNP?
- 我想到那时我应该完成了。 I think I should have finished it by then.
- 那时我还在上学。中午来,我那时会准备好的 I was still in school then. Come at noon; I'll be ready then.
- 倘若我们把这幅画移到这儿来,怎么样呢? What if we move the picture over here?
- 甚至到那时他还不肯认错。 Even then he wouldn't admit his errors.
- 这些地方将来会怎么样呢? What does the future hold for these places?
- 到那时为止 thitherto
- 他意识到那时他说了些什么吗? Was he conscious of what he was saying at the rime?
- 如果所罗门王做了看门人,把他所有的财宝都堆集在地下室,杰姆每次经过那时会掏出他的金表看看,让所罗门嫉妒得吹胡子瞪眼。 Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.
- 倘若我们把这幅画移到这儿来,怎么样呢? What if we move the picture over here?