- 到布来顿有多远? How far is it to Brighton?
- 到布来顿有多远? How far is it to Brighton?
- 我从没注意到自己的办公室离市区有多远。 I never realized how far my office is from downtown.
- 到海滨去旅行的路有多远? How long is the journey to the coast?
- 他的说法经核实过后真实程度有多大? How does his story check out with the facts?
- 从你家到机场有多远? How far is it from your home to the airport?
- 尼罗河有多长? How long is the River Nile?
- 这种新式手枪能射多远? How far does this new pistol carry?
- 我希望有多一点时间在家里陪伴父母。 I hope to spend more time at home with my parents.
- 很难想像宇宙有多大。 It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe.
- 还有多远? How much further is it?
- 究竟有多糟? How bad was it?
- 谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。 Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.
- 没开多远,你不必付我钱。 It's not far. You don't have to pay me.
- 你根本想像不出那些日子我的生活有多艰难。 You have no conception at all of how difficult my life was in those days.
- 这种新式手枪能射多远? How far does this new pistol carry?
- 请你量一下这条裤子,看看有多长。 Will you please measure these trousers to see how long they are?
- 中国的所有权改革:走向何方?走多远? The ownership reform in China: what direction and how far; Sujian Guo?
- 她还没意识到他有多高。 She hadn't realized how tall he was.
- 本公司向贵国、加拿大、英国和其他欧洲国家出口地毯已有多年。 Our company have export for year carpet to your country, Canada, England and other European countries.