- 到了,我们在找什么? Here we go, now. So, what are we looking for?
- 上星期一,我们在餐具室拿到了那张报纸,还争论了半天。 We had that paper in the pantry last Monday and chewed the rag over it for hours.
- 夫人,您在这儿来回走了好一会儿了。您是在找什么地方吗? Madam,you have been wandering here for quite a while.Where are you looking for?I am a volunteer.
- 我们在他身上下功会,了解到了我们想了解的一切情况。 We got at him and found out all we wanted to know.
- 她摸来摸去在找什么? What is she poking about for?
- 我们在威廉公路上的一家店里买到了它。 We got it at a shop in William Highroad.
- 他经常在白天点着灯笼四处走动、张望,像是在找什么东西似的。 He often walked about in the daytime holding a lighted lantern, peering around as if he were looking for something.
- 我们中午就到了火车站,离开车还有一段时间。 We got to station at noon with time to spare.
- 我就是王,这个,就是必胜黄金之剑,国王从时间之流中获得的剑,你是谁,你在找什么? I am King, and this is Excalibur, sword of Kings from the draw of the time. Who are you, what do you seek?
- 我们在电话簿里查到了他的地址。 We looked out his address in the telephone directory.
- 我们在大学里接触到了新思想。 We came into contact with new ideas at college.
- 你能猜到我在找什么吗? Can you guess what I am seeking?
- 拉宾诺维茨不知什么地方弄到了这个饭店锅炉,安装在这里。 Rabinovitz had somewhere procured this restaurant boiler and installed it here.
- 史高丽:你好,恩,我们在找一个叫吉普森普雷兹的男孩。 SCULLY: Hi. Um... we're looking for a boy named Gibson Praise.
- 我们在新建的几个探区里,探测到了大量的石油储量。 We have found large reserves of oil in the new exploration areas.
- 她不太知道究竟她看什么,找什么,但是她把粉光移转到使光线满照在她的身上。 "She did not know what she was looking for, or at, very definitely, yet she moved the lamp till it shone full on her."
- 嗯。我们在找一家英国公司来帮我们在英国做市场和推广。 Em, we're looking for a British company to help us with marketing and promotion in Britain.
- 拉宾诺维茨不知什么地方弄到了这个饭店锅炉,安装在这里。 Rabinovitz had somewhere procured this restaurant boiler and installed it here.
- 我们在找一个地方吃午饭。您是否碰巧了解附近任何饭店的情况呢? We're looking for a place to have lunch. Do you happen to know of any restaurants around here?
- 到了我们追寻一些新的什么的时候了! It's time we all reach out sth. New.