- 判决对他不利。The judgement was against him.
- 判决对他不利。 The judgement was against him.
- 法官的判决对他不利。 The judge had decided against him.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 比如说,不象商品的买主,不可能抱怨说法律对他不利。 Say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.
- 法院判决对他有利。 The court decided in his favor.
- 法官的判决对这个囚犯将是生死攸关的事情。 The decision of the judge will be a matter of life and death for the prisoner.
- 这一判决对他有利。 The decision went in his favour.
- 判决对他有利。 The judgement was in his favor.
- 他的父母对他的堕落负有部分责任。 His parents are partly responsible for his wallow.
- 这判决对原告不利。 The judgement was adverse to the plaintiff.
- 法庭的判决对他有利。 The court decided in his favour.
- 他想对他的同事施加不适当的影响。 He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues.
- 这一判决对他有利. The decision went in his favour .
- 有些目击者的证词对他不利。 Some witnesses had testified against him.
- 雪莱对他的行为一点都不感到后悔。 Shelley had no regrets for his actions.
- 对他不利的证据不足凭信. The evidence against him is rather flimsy.
- 他的经历对他的小说的成功帮助很大。 His experience contribute greatly to the success of his novel.
- 裁判对他不利。 The judgement went against him.
- 他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证。 He swore treason against his friend.