- 分布式控制系统DCS DCS (distribute control system)
- 实践表明,SIS充分利用了现有分布式控制系统DCS(DistributionControlSystem)和管理信息系统MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)资源,形成了DCS,SIS,MIS三位一体的综合自动化网络,实现了电力生产全过程的自动化。 Practice shows that SIS fully uses the resources of DCS(Distribu tion Con trol System)and MIS(Management Information System)and a synthetic automation system integrating DCS,SIS,and MIS together is thus formed to realize an overall automation of electric power production.
- 现场控制系统FCS和集散控制系统DCS的差异 The Differences of FCS and DCS
- 分层分布式控制系统 hierarchy and distributed control system
- 车辆分布式控制系统 vehicle distributed control system
- 可编程控制器/分布式控制系统(PLC/DCS) Programmable Logic Controller/Distributed Control System(PLC/DCS)
- 分布式控制系统又称集散系统,是目前使用的控制系统的一种。 Distributed control system which is also called integrated and distributed system, is one of the control systems recently used.
- 本文结合直接还原铁厂INFI-90系统的安装、调试,系统地介绍了集散控制系统DCS的结构与功能。 This treatise presents the structure and performance of DCS in combination with installation and commissioning of INFI-90 system of direct reducing iron plant.
- 全分布式控制系统 thoroughly distributed control system
- CS1000分布式控制系统 CS1000 Distributed Control System
- CAN总线是一种串行通讯协议,适用于分布式控制系统的底层网络通信。 CAN bus is a serial communication protocol and adapts to bottom layer communication of distributed control system.
- 集散控制系统DCS(Distributed Control System)是一种面向企业的,高度智能化、科学化的实现企业生产及管理的全过程的系统。 Distrubuted Control System (DCS) is a complicated system involved in information technology, modern management ar d manufacturing, which can deal with scientifically the whole production and management process of enterprise.
- 了基于RS485总线的分布式控制系统; 设计了工艺流程控制的专用软件; According to developing trends of process-control and character of technological procedure in PPCP, DCS (distributed control system) based on RS485 BUS is established.
- 分布式控制系统在四氯化硅生产中的应用 The application of DCS in the production of silicon tetrachloride
- 矿井胶带输送机分布式控制系统 Distributed Control System of Belt Conveyor Used in Coal Mine
- 基于工业以太网的分布式控制系统的通信研究 The Development of Communication Program in the Distributed Control System Based on the Industrial Ethernet
- 本文介绍了现场总线的概念,说明了现场控制系统FCS作为新一代网络集成式全分布控制系统的特点及其较集散控制系统DCS的优势,并介绍了如何实现DCS与FCS的网络集成问题。 The paper introduces the conception and characteristic of the fieldbus control system (FCS) which is a network integrative complete distributed control system, and advantages over distributed control systems (DCS). It also introduces how to realize the network integration beteween DCS and FCS.
- 基于竞争机制的FMS分布式控制系统 Competition Meckanism" Distributed Control System for FMS
- 无人飞行器分布式控制系统集成新技术 An Innovative Technology of Distributed Control System Integration for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles